Discover the energy that drives your life.

Flavia Energy: A guide to where spirituality and your daily life are connected.

You are not just mind, body, and soul. You are ENERGY. You are beliefs, thoughts, emotions, experiences, habits, toxins, traumas… You are your words (spoken, thought, or written), you are paradigms, you are the unconscious programs that you have recorded.

Everything is susceptible of being reversed and redirected towards where you want it to be in such a way that you will enjoy and love the process, a process that does not require any sacrifice but to give yourself and your soul, what it asks you. I want you to know, whether you are by yourself or you are looking to shift your company, that there is way more to do than you can imagine.


There is a wide variety of courses to support your spiritual connection, the knowledge of your body and the practice of self-healing.


Choose the therapy or combination of therapies (quantum, emotional, bioenergetic, spiritual) that resonate with your soul. You are a unique being and you deserve customized therapy serving your unique needs.


Weekly online and live classes, with different human topics, health, healing, leadership, relationships, love, spirituality and energy that you can take individually or in continuous education.

Spiritual retreat 2025

Join our next retreat in Malinalco, Mexico in March 2025. A space created for healing, where you will have great moments, guidance, reflection, relaxation, connection, peace, health and awareness. A transformative experience that encourages you to go deeper into your truth and explore aspects of your life that need inner peace, in an environment full of love, freedom and understanding.



Flavia Sierra is an angel in this earth!! Really!! She has helped me in the difficult moments of my life. I will always be grateful and will continue to use your services. Your online courses are fantastic, they have helped me clarify and open my heart to receive and forgive. It is very clear and an excellent guide. She is always ready with every message she delivers. She is compassionate, humble, cheerful, and understanding, a true great healer. She is a great professional; you won't be disappointed. You can't make a mistake with her. I recommend it 100%.
Diana Cinisi
Undoubtedly the Archangels have different ways of communicating with us, Flavia is one of those channels that have been chosen to transmit to me with a lot of peace and love the messages they have for me. For 4 years it has been a pleasure to receive through it, communication and guidance that serve daily life. I am grateful for that gift and of course I recommend 1000% to open to this possibility, it changes your life.
Gerardo Ramírez
With the great Holistic Therapist, Flavia Sierra, I have done Reiki sessions, I have taken online classes on healing, angels, self-help and quantum energy and I also attend her talks via Zoom from Cafeteando con Fla. I feel in total alignment with her presence and with the way she presents her messages and advice. It's easier to feel it than to put it into words. I know that my life has improved palpably; especially after the courses The Perfect Third and Quantum Energy thanks to the activities carried out that I managed to put into practice perhaps with only 60% of all the material that was provided. I really feel lucky to meet her and have access to her influence.
Carolina Small
I feel so happy to have my path crossed with such a special person like her. She gives me a lot of tranquility and hope that life is a place where human beings can be better and that our planet will survive the adversities that we have overcome with our bad decisions. I had the honor of taking three courses with Fla and in each of them I always ended up feeling happy, since when doing the internships and the tasks I got to know myself more. I loved the rejuvenation and energy exercises, which I continue to do every day in the morning. All the teachings he gives us in his courses are practical things and if one does them, they will benefit you in your life, I have no doubt about that. A million thanks my dear Fla and I hope you continue to touch the lives of many people; you are a being of inspirational light for everyone who crosses your path. Love you!
Rosi Killam
Colorado EU

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