There is no cure for cancer because cancer is the cure. This means that cancer is a byproduct of energy that responds in the way that we allow it to respond in our own system. It is a byproduct (or result) of our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs among other things. When energy runs in a discordant way, there is either an excess of energy in certain ways or an energy deficiency occurs in other areas, then the cellular structures and systems of the body begin to become out of phase and out of proportion to each other and we end up with the result of a context of disease.
The reason for altering our vibrational frequency is repressed emotions. When we suppress them, we suppress the vibrational frequency instantaneously and thus create chemical environments as a byproduct of that suppression that allow for neither rejuvenation nor normal cellular replenishment and create a chemically acidic environment in the body. Cancer is known to develop in acidic and non-alkaline bodies.

More primary to our acidic condition, beyond the food we eat, are the thoughts and emotions we consciously and subconsciously think and feel.
Everything is vibrating at a frequency that is serving us or not.
Cancer only tries to survive in certain circumstances. If we continue to provide those circumstances, the body will continue to function in such a way that it is out of balance and disharmonious, not being able to move into a phase of filtering, cleansing, healing and detoxifying on its own, instead it must keep either fighting or fleeing, fighting for your life, doing whatever it takes so you can stay alive.
So, if we start to break down a little bit with an understanding of how the energy system works, how it influences the nervous system, and how that ultimately determines whether we're in the healing mode or we're in an emergency mode, then you can begin to masterfully navigate these waters differently and solve the issues that are allowing cancer to exist in the body.