It has been said very much about the change of an era that begun in 2012, which is the entrance to the so-called "Age of Aquarius": The Consciousness awakening Era. The energy we receive from the cosmos has gradually changed and it is starting to be seen as an evolution in humanity. Some people notice these changes and have symptoms that are related to this transformation process.

1. Physical aches and pains especially in your neck, shoulders and back: this is the result of intense changes in your DNA level as your spiritual seed awakens.
2. Feelings of deep sadness. These are produced by the sensation of change and leaving your home behind, that is, your spirit leaves that energetic space and prepares for change and in your state, it is normal for you to have small depressions and sadness without cause.
3. Crying for no reason. The feeling of releasing karma and problems from the past, do not be afraid of these situations, since they are necessary for your evolution and let go of feelings that have been trapped in you.
4. Sudden changes of profession. You don't feel satisfied with your work, and you see the need to change and evolve. In this period, you will feel how the work changes will be more and more continuous until you manage to find stability again. Don't worry if you are not comfortable anywhere, it is a process of change and search for your true dreams.
5. Move away from family relationships. You will feel how you are moving further and further away from the relationships with your family and friends, it is a cycle of loneliness and breaking the karmic cycle, over time you will re-establish a new relationship with your friends and families.
6. Unusual dream patterns, you will wake up between 2 and 4 in the morning. There's a lot of work going on in your mind and you want to make big changes.
7. Intense dreams, you begin to release the energy from within and the energy of the past is represented in internal wars.
8. Physical disorientation, you will feel out of place, that you are in transit, you will notice that your body is nowhere. As if in limbo.
9. You start to talk with your inner self, you start to become reflective, and you start to have a more fluid channel with your inner self.
10. Feeling lonely, you can feel alone even with others, you are walking a path alone and you need to move away to walk and move forward.
11. Loss of enthusiasm, you may feel demotivated by everything you do, you need to turn off your spiritual energy to recharge it and get used to the new changes.
12. A deep longing to return home and a desire to leave the planet is not a suicidal or bad feeling, it is a feeling of completing your karmic cycles and you will be ready to start a new life.
Are you ready to move to the new energy? Your spirit has not ended here, it is necessary for you to help others with your guiding energy to move to that spiritual level that you are reaching.
Do you want guidance for your soul and the process it is in? Request a personal session with me with an oracle reading of the soul and guidance for your journey.