There are four spiritual laws that are repeated in every one of the twin flame meeting experiences (couple love). These laws are a guide for anyone. The path of twin flames will lead you to the discovery of true love... unconditional love.

Each law considers the existence of four planes: the material, the mental, the emotional, and the spiritual. And so, the laws are precisely the material law, the mental law, the emotional law and the spiritual law.
The first law, the material law, says that your twin flame is destined to meet you. At first, it will seem like a coincidence, but it is not. The romance will take place little by little in sync with the right time and in the right place. Once the universe brings you together, you will both feel an automatic connection. It's that physical encounter it's meant to be.
The second is the mental law. Once you've found your twin flame and started dating her, you'll feel like you're living in a bubble, in a special romantic reality. You will even feel that there is divine help in your progress as a couple, which will allow you both to see the value of each other. The ego (and your judgments) is disappearing, and you don't even realize it.
Third law, the emotional law. Twin flames can only heal, change, and love by choice. You and your flame can even change, if you consider the emotion and motivation you feel for each other.
And the fourth, which is the spiritual law. Once the emotional law has been fulfilled, both will feel changed or transformed for good, both in aspects of new habits and new perspectives. All this will lead them to feel gratitude for the relationship and gratitude for each other.
It's up to you to overcome past traumas. The result you will get with all this will be a beautiful, functional and sustainable relationship with your twin flame that will get to where it is supposed to go... to genuine and unconditional love.