In the mid-1950s, Dr. Schumann, a German physicist, discovered that the earth is surrounded by a powerful electromagnetic field, which extends from the ground to a height of about 100 km above us, that is, to the bottom of the ionosphere and every living being and species on the planet are affected by this field.
The Schumann resonance is related to the frequency of the alpha waves of the human mind in the range of 7.5 to 13 Hz. This electromagnetic field has a resonance or is of an almost constant frequency of about 7.83 Hz. or cycles per second, like those of the field generated by the heart.
For thousands of years, Schumann's resonance remained at 7.83 hertz.
From the 80's it began to accelerate, but much more significantly from the 90's, the frequency of this field that surrounds the planet rose from 7.83 Hz to 12 Hz.

In June 2014 it was considered to have risen to the level of 15 – 25, in 2017 it has jumped to more than 30 and the novelty is that it has just been known that the frequency of the Earth and time are accelerated. For the first time in human history, the Schumann resonance went to 36 Hz and that is causing changes and discomfort to humans and in general to all living beings on the planet.
When the body seeks to "calibrate" or adapt to this frequency, it presents symptoms that are often undetectable by medicine (because there is nothing wrong) but the sensations are clear. Some of the most common symptoms of these spikes in electromagnetic frequency are hot flashes, blurred vision, vertigo (dizziness), irregular or skipped heartbeat, joint aches or pain, intermittent pain in different parts of the body, ringing in the ears, extreme tiredness, nausea, flu-like symptoms (or you-know-what), bowel problems, too much or too little hunger, anxiety.
Some recommendations that I give you to raise your frequency and decrease the symptoms are: meditate, drink not bottled - hydrogen water (the best I know is Kangen Water, ask me about it; connect with the earth (earthing), rest, laugh, listen to your body and give it what it asks for, gentle exercises (such as yoga, tai chi, energy medicine routines) that move all your energy, seek advice or therapy with experts who understand the source and holistic treatments, do a cleanse and energy balance. I can gladly help you!
Until next time.