Tachyon Sapphire blue

$ 60.00


Sixth chakra (Third Eye). Calm the mind. Train the gift of being intuitive. Helps you trust your wisdom and listen to your inner voice. Provides mental tranquility, enhances concentration, aids in decision-making. Helps with sleep. Reduces inflammation in the physical body. Supports the union of ligaments and bones. Great support for people undergoing chemotherapy. Calm/quiet the mind.


Sixth chakra (Third Eye). Calm the mind. Train the gift of being intuitive. Helps you trust your wisdom and listen to your inner voice. Provides mental tranquility, enhances concentration, aids in decision-making. Helps with sleep. Reduces inflammation in the physical body. Supports the union of ligaments and bones. Great support for people undergoing chemotherapy. Calm/quiet the mind.

Plus shipping & handling

Weight 1 kg


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