I invite you to a sacred space where time stops and the magic of introspection surrounds us. This retreat is a gift for your being, a moment to disconnect from the outside noise and connect deeply with yourself, with the peace that lives within you and with the divine essence that guides you.

In this special meeting you will find:
Momentos de autoobservación y reflexión personal.
Herramientas para cultivar la paz interior y el equilibrio.
Prácticas para reconectar con tu espiritualidad desde un lugar auténtico y amoroso.
Dinámicas grupales que nutren el alma y fortalecen la conexión con otros buscadores de luz.
This retreat is for you if you want:
-Explore your inner world with love and compassion.
-Raise your vibration and open your heart to the present.
-Cultivate a deeper relationship with your personal spirituality.
Join us on this journey towards serenity and self-discovery. Give yourself this time for yourself, to heal, grow and remember who you really are.

Includes accommodation (5 days - 4 nights), breakfast, lunch and dinner, snacks, activities and group therapies.
Date: March 20-24, 2025
Location: La Casona, Malinalco (Estado de Mexico)
$960 USD 🇺🇸
$16,000 pesos 🇲🇽
Aparta tu lugar con un costo de $ 7,200 pesos mx o $360 dlls si estás en Estados Unidos.
Receive the transformational energy of Malinalco, Mexico to find, release and heal your core wounds and fears, through activities with great facilitators and therapists. Connect and scale to a higher level. Your inner peace.
Limited capacity. Book now!
Fla Sierra